Friday 18 May 2007

Genesis: How we started

The origins of our Ladies' Soccer Team can be traced back to a period from around 1993 to 1994, when a group of friends came together to play street soccer every Sunday at the NUS handball courts, from 11am to about 1pm (yes, people thought we were mad to be playing around noon. The courts were usually empty except for our group!).

Who were we? The core group was made up of a bunch of friends (guys and girls) from St John's-St Margaret's Church, plus Martha and Ling, whom I knew through work and saxophone lessons, and her sisters Ying and Ping. All of us also pulled in other friends to be part of our group. Who among our group could forget Kaifoong's friend and fellow NTU lecturer Ramin, the bald Andre Agassi lookalike who became a regular?

The girls among us weren't experienced footballers - we were there either because we were longtime football fans who wanted finally to realise our dream of actually playing footie, or we were non-football fans who came for the company and the fun. Ling and Ping used to play football back in high school.

Picture taken of mainly just the girls because it was Ling's birthday (note the bouquet)
Back row (from left): Yili, Connie, Ling, Ying, Julia, Lynette, Lionel
Front row (from left): Hur, John, Mark, Martha, Adeline, Ping

Who were the Law people among us? There was me (Hur), Ling, Martha, Julia Low, Andrew Ong, Kenny (a real twinkletoes of a dribbler), and (once in a while) a few friends of Kenny's.

Practically every Sunday we would be there, and most weeks there would be some new friends dropping by, brought by one of us. It was a great way to get to know new people. When we were done, we would adjourn to a nearby hawker centre for lunch.

So what happened to this group? It petered out around 1994, maybe 1995, as the members dropped out one by one for different reasons. Lynette and Connie went abroad to further their studies/career. Adeline's knees were really giving her lots of trouble. People got married, e.g. Julia, Andrew Ong. Some lost interest, especially as the group shrank. It just wasn't so fun anymore when so many of your friends weren't there.

When it finally died out, I had all but resigned myself to never playing football again. Then Ling became convenor for the Law Soc netball team in 1996, and together with Susan they managed to persuade the Powers that Be to include Ladies' Soccer for the B&B Games. She then issued the call to Martha and me, and boy, was I excited! My first experience of football on grass! I get to wear football boots! The real deal!

What I discovered about playing on grass:

  1. wow, the field is so big! Have to pass and kick harder, further and higher!
  2. hey, grass is so much softer! Can really dive for the ball without fear!
  3. whoa, the goalposts are humongous! This is not at all like guarding a handball goalpost!

So began the journey of the pioneer batch of footballers in the Law Soc Ladies' Team. We got to know one another, and also the guy friends that "tagged along" faithfully. We started practising for the 1996 B&B Games by ..... but that is another story . :-)

The Hur


zorka said...
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zorka said...

Hey Tuaz! Congrats on your first blog post!

I wonder what happened to Martha - she taught me how to cook bolagnaise!

sam said...

Thanx for the link Chuen Ling!! wow its was so nice to go back and check out the history of our team.

Its so nice to see lots of old friends and to see the team going strong. After i left singapore for malaysia in 1998.. i really lost touch with ladies soccor ... partially coz i had been warned by late Mr Param (the then president of law soc) that I shld never play for malaysia given that I was the original conveynor and captain of ladies soccor in singapore. Like he needed to tell me.. my home team was singapore and even 10 yrs now.. i cldnt ever play for malaysia!

So ...Her Yuin got some facts wrong tho in her history. Actually I was the one who was conveynor for the first game. I was on the sports and welfare com that year and first mooted the idea to the com. of course after much laughter they agreed to make it a friendly so I was really proud of that achievement.

I got together our old team from my year in law school (Class of 94) since we had won 3 out of the 4 games we played over the 4 years and we started practice in sembawang and in a field in marina place. Siva Ganesh who was 1 yr our junior at law school was our first coach. he had a team of guys who were crazy abt football and equally delighted to be teaching a bunch of girls.

If i am not mistaken .. at least 2 or three marriages resulted from those early soccor encounters at 4pm on sundays.

the first game was the watershed... with our veteran team teasing us abt not wearing panty hose and hvg to be careful abt our nails. they certainly didnt take it seriously and we had one veteran male player (yes the same late Mr P) sitting (yes sitting) in the malaysian goalie's post taunting her rear. sigh... we finally managed to get him out and WON that game. the guys WERE pretty amazed by how seriously we took the game. they were good times.

By 1997 we were practising yes at high noon in NUS... and the game took on an even more serious edge. We had more skilled players join the team and the tempo of practices definitely revved up.

Am glad everyone continues to be so dedicated to the game and have been making great strides all these years.. and that some of you have turned semi professional!!! woo hoo!!

Warm Wishes
Shanti Abraham
Kuala Lumpur

Anonymous said...

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Unknown said...

Hi, your blog is a really interesting read. Ladies' soccer - unconventional, and very cool!

There's an award called the POSB Everyday Champions Award 2009. It serves to pay tribute to individuals or organisations who inspire and encourage others to play sports. I think your coach is a good candidate for this award! You should nominate him for the POSB Everyday Champions Award . . . and perhaps some of your team mates too - like Ling, who got the team back together again.

You can find out more about the award at The closing date for nominations is 16 November 2008 :)

Good luck for your nominations!